
This repo is divided into 3 parts

  1. the actual portfolio site, hosted on www.rohangodha.com. This is built with Astro, SolidJS, UnoCSS (a utility css framework that is basically just Tailwind), and Cloudflare Pages.
  2. A link-shortener, hosted on (www.)rohan.zip, (www.)rgodha.com, and rohangodha.com. It uses data from the Astro project to generate redirects for every project and blog post. It’s built using Hono and Bun’s macro feature, which allows it to access the fs only during buildtime. This is also running on Cloudflare Pages.
  3. A resume, built using Typst. This resume is based on the data in resume/data.toml. It outputs a resume to site/public/Resume.pdf, which is hosted by Astro on rohangodha.com/Resume.pdf. Additionally, it has a resume/config.toml file which changes parts of the resume for different companies I apply to. The rust project in that directory opens up a webpage that lets me configure my resume super easily using brutsuin/json-forms. It’s then saved to my documents folder, so I can easily upload it to an internship application.

It’s set up as a bun workspace, so you only have to run bun install in the root to get the dependencies working. The only dependency not included in the package.json is typst, which can be installed with pretty much any package manager.

All of the commands that you could ever need are in the justfile, which means you can run just build and just format.


The resume was adapted from imprecv

The text background was originally inspired by the midjourney landing page, but it’s changed a lot since then.

A much older version of this site was based on the LiveTerm Template